Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Egyetemi Doktorandusz Képviselet

In the Spotlight: Improving Effective Presentation Skills

Kurzus leírása

The course aims to improve PhD students’ verbal and non-verbal communication skills with giving theoretical and practical knowledge in creating effective lectures and presentations. During the two hours lecture, we aim to improve students’ verbal and non-verbal presentation skills and provide help in creating and using Power Point and Prezi. For future lecturers and researchers, either they would like to get a job in the academic life or in the private sector; it is indispensable to be able to present their knowledge in an effective and proper way. Our aim is to transfer knowledge that help students to progress in their career, and skills that means benefit in several field (education, conferences, job interviews etc.).

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Kurzus kimenete

At the end of the course, you will be able to create more effective, targeted, persuasive and up to par presentations to your chosen audience. Our aim is to improve your rhetorical skills, so you will be better in verbal and non-verbal communication. You will be much more confident in applying the connected technical tools as well.

Alexandra Szemere, assistant lecturer, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, BME
Dr. Krisztina Szabó, assistant professor, Deputy Head of Department, Department of Philosophy and History of Science, BME
Kurzuskód: PHDLA1052
Ideje: 2024.01.16. 15:00 - 17:00
Helyszín: Online Teams meeting
Mely doktori iskola részére: összes
Résztvevők ajánlott száma: 10-20
Kiknek ajánljuk: Hungarian PhD and PhD candidates / International PhD students at BME (SH)