Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Egyetemi Doktorandusz Képviselet

Overview of Intellectual Property - Workshop

Kurzus leírása

When, under what conditions, is it worth patenting something? What other ways are there to protect research results? Who owns the rights in a university project or when external (industrial) partners are involved in the collaboration? Is it really not allowed to publish if one wants patent protection? What is a the public domain? When and to whom is it allowed to talk about an invention, and what should be considered? What is an NDA for and what is it not for? How much is an intellectual creation worth? Who judges this and how? Many people have heard many things about intellectual property, but there are still many surprises in the intellectual property system. This workshop will clarify the meaning behind the common concepts of \"protection\" and \"intellectual property\" and help you to understand the basic issues of patenting.

Kurzus kimenete

PhD students will be introduced to intellectual property protection, and will learn why a well-thought-out intellectual property strategy is important when setting up a business to exploit their intellectual property. The workshop will also provide information on when to use and when not to use patents, and on the alternatives to patenting.

Dr. Dudás Ágnes, Senior Industrial Property Expert, Department of Innovation Management
Kurzuskód: PHDLA1142
Ideje: 2024.05.07. 10:15 - 12:00
Helyszín: BME Z épület 10. emelet MNB tér
Mely doktori iskola részére: összes
Résztvevők ajánlott száma: 5-20 fő
Kiknek ajánljuk: doktoranduszoknak, doktorjelölteknek és fiatal kutatóknak