Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
Egyetemi Doktorandusz Képviselet

To patent or to publish? That is not the question.

Kurzus leírása

What are the benefits of intellectual property (IP) rights, and how can you patent an invention? What other IP tools are available to protect research results? Who is entitled to obtain IP rights in a university project, and what difference does it make if external parties are involved as well? Is it indeed ill-advised to publish the results if you want to patent them? What is defensive publication and what belongs to the public domain? When is it safe to share details of your invention, and what needs to be observed at all times? What is the difference between patentability and freedom-to-operate?

IP rights are all around us and everyone knows (or thinks they know) something about them – yet there are a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions surrounding this area. The course attempts to clarify the basics of intellectual property law and helps navigating among the fundamental questions of patenting.

Kurzus kimenete

Attendees familiarize themselves with the “legal vessels” of their research results, i.e. the means of protecting and transferring them. They obtain information on the importance of having a strategic mindset when it comes to IP, and get guidance on the basic “IP dos and don’ts” should they wish to launch a startup to commercialize their scientific findings. The talk sheds light on the relevant factors to determine whether patenting is indeed worthwhile and the other options available in case that does not appear viable.

Dr. Timár Adrienn, Iparjogvédelmi vezető, BME - Felsőoktatási és Ipari Együttműködési Központ
Kurzuskód: PHDLA1142
Ideje: 2022.03.25. 08:15 - 10:00
Helyszín: Online
Mely doktori iskola részére: összes
Résztvevők ajánlott száma: 30 persons
Kiknek ajánljuk: PhD candidates and young researchers